Wow! I've been given the "Stylish Blogger Award" by the lovely Sandra from Kiwi Cakes! Thanks Sandra!! Here are the rules when receiving this award;
- Thank and link back to the person who gave you this award
- Share 7 things about yourself
- Award 15 recently discovered bloggers
- Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award
So here is 7 things about myself;
- I became interested in cake decorating when I started a job at a French Bakery at 17. The owner and cake decorator took me under her wing and taught me to ice gateau's. I've loved it ever since!
- I love Melbourne, Australia - it is the only other city where I have so far felt at home. All those cake shops, boutiques and artsy cafes...so me!
- My favourite colour (at the moment) is purple. I discovered by accident it looks great with my hair colour and skin tone and now I love it!
- I love photographing flowers - there is something you can pick up in a photo about a flower you don't see when you look at it
- I love buying scratchie tickets - the most I have won is $5 or something, but I can't help myself!
- I love fuchsias - ever since I visited a garden across the road from my grandparents house and the woman who lived there turned one into a ballerina for me
- I am on a quest to turn my wardrobe into one big stash of items that can be remixed as easy as that!
And now for the 15 bloggers. These will include both food/cake bloggers and fashion and style bloggers, as this is where my interests lie. Check my other blog A Sparkley Silver Lining to see my other interests! Some are very recent, some not so much! here we go;
- Helen of Afeitar - I love her baking posts and her cute style photos. It's always great checking in on her blog!
- Ellecupcake - A very recent find. She has some cute cupcakes up on her blog, well worth a look!
- Annika from Escape - She has great style and fun posts!
- Brenda from Give Live Love Life - She has amazing style and some awesome DIY posts!
- Sasha from Black 'n Gold a la Mode - another style blog with some great vintage finds
- Karly from Kar plus Wade - I love checking in on her posts, so happy, cute pictures and fun to read!
- Grace's Art of Happiness - A very new discovery, she has gorgeous pictures of her baking and some great outfits up on there!
- Kinsey from KinseyM - Great blog - it's cool checking in on what she's been up to and her outfit posts!
- Kenzie Faith - Her blog has great photos and she has great style!
- Catherine from Mangoes and Lemons - her blog is full of yummy looking treats! Well worth a look
- Sarah from Sequin This - Has great style and some cool posts to check out!
- K Come Karolina - One of my first followers. She has great style and it's awesome checking in on her posts!
- Style Me Bad - Great blog and leaves me the nicest, helpful comments!
- Samantha from This Fashionista - She has great style and her blog is well worth a look!
- Leather Jackets and Rouge Lips - Her blog has some great fashion inspiration and some nice outfit posts!